S. was to “deal effectively with these tough, idealistic, fanatical, single-minded and reework of global relationships

S. was to “deal effectively with these tough, idealistic, fanatical, single-minded and reework of global relationships

He reported that he’d gotten what President Nixon wanted – a big welcome

Memorandum regarding a draft transcript of the final meeting Kissinger had with Zhou Enlai and others on the late night meeting on July 10, 1971. The memo highlights themes from all the discussions. The transcript shows Zhou and Kissinger focused on Taiwan, on ongoing US-Soviet Union talks, and on China-India and China-Soviet Union disputes. Click here to read the document.

He concluded, “I have taken this action because of my profound conviction that all nations will gain from a reduction of tensions and a better relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China

Henry Kissinger sent a brief cable to Alexander Haig at the White House. Kissinger told Haig to tell Nixon that nothing should be said to anyone prior to his return. He wrote that even a minor leak would offend the Chinese. Click here to read the document.

Henry Kissinger reports on his talks with Zhou Enlai. He begins by writing that the talks were “the most searching, sweeping and significant discussions I have ever had in government.” He stressed that dealing with the Chinese required nuance and style and said a grasp of the “intangibles” was crucial if the U.” Kissinger felt that the Chinese were struggling with philosophic contradictions, by dealing with “arch capitalists.” “The moral ambivalence of this encounter for them was relected https://datingranking.net/eris-review/ in a certain brooding quality, in the occasional schizophrenia of Chou’s presentations. ” he wrote. Kissinger was quite taken with Zhou, ranking him with Charles De Gualle as the most impressive statesman he’d met. Kissinger wrote that the Chinese “pretended that they had responded to your [Nixon’s] request” to go to China. He noted that extensive discussions were necessary in determining the text of the announcement of the Nixon visit. The Chinese wanted to have seeking normalization of relations as the purpose, Kissinger insisted on discussions of mutual interest. Both are in the final announcement. Kissinger told Nixon he’d gotten “precisely what you wished.” Those wishes included a pledge that the Chinese would not host other American political figures before Nixon’s arrival. Zhou’s requirements for diplomatic relations were listed. Kissinger said he told Zhou he hoped that the polticial evolution between Beijing and Taipei would be peaceful. Kissinger reported that to advance negotiations on the summit details and other matters that he and Zhou had agreed to work through their respective representatives in Paris (General Vernon Walters and the Chinese ambassador). Kissinger said that at the end of their talks, he brought up the matter of four Americans held in Chinese jails. He said that the U.S. would not requesting their release but would consider such a release as an act of mercy. Kissinger concluded by writing, “We have laid the groundwork for you and Mao to turn a page in history. But we should have no illusions about the future. Profound differences and years of isolation yawn between us and the Chinese.” Beyond this he noted, “the process we have now started will send enormous shock waves around the world.” The joint announcement is appended to the document. Click here to read the document.

President Nixon announced that he’d sent Henry Kissinger to China and that the result of these meetings was an agreement for a presidential trip to China. The announcement finessed the desire by both sides to signal the other initiated the move. Kissinger reported earlier on discussions regarding the announcement and shared the draft announcement. The joint announcement begins, “Knowing of President Nixon’s expressed desire to visit the People’s Republic of China, Premier Chou En-lai, on behalf of the Government of the People’s Republic of China, has extended an invitation to President Nixon to visit China at an appropriate date before May 1972.” Nixon said the visit was not intended to harm the interests of others. Click here to read the statement. Video of the announcement is available on the USC U.S.-China Institute’s YouTube channel.

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